Thursday, 7 April 2011

Farmville Tips and Cheats

farmville tips and cheatsIn this article, I will explain the different FarmVille tips and cheats you can use in order to get ahead of everyone else in the game and become the best. However, you will have to take some precautions when you use these tips because they may not exactly adhere to FarmVille rules.

Having these tips at your disposal will give you a serious advantage over the other new players, but FarmVille does not like it when players do have more advantages so you will need to be careful when you use them. Generally, these tips will cover many areas of the game that will make you advance quickly to higher levels and earn plenty of coins.

I recommend going on Google to search for other FarmVille tricks as well, although this article will suffice because it covers all the areas of FarmVille.

FarmVille Tips and Cheats

You can trap your farmer with obstacles to speed up the process of harvesting and plowing. In order for this to work, you will have to surround him with fences, hay bales or any other objects located on your farm.

It is crucial that you keep your farmer in his original position when the game starts. This means that you shouldn't move him at all and you should trap him in his current location. By doing so, you will save plenty of time because you do not have to wait for your farmer to walk to a specific location.

Next, you can level up faster by visiting your neighbors and helping them to complete chores. Whenever you help your neighbor to complete a chore on their farm, you will earn some exp and coins for your help. If you're lucky, you will be rewarded with streamers that will ultimately give you more coins and experience.

Your neighbors will also be more inclined to help you when you have done them a favor. One of the best tricks you can use is to search your neighbors list and look for neighbors who have ribbons and awards on FarmVille. Usually, these players will be given the choice of whether they would like to share their reward with other neighbors.

However, a lot of people decline doing so because it will significantly reduce the speed of the game until Facebook posts the notice on their feed. You can take advantage of the situation by collecting a share of their wealth before they cancel it. Continue reading my Farmville tips and cheats article to learn more.

Look for the 'more' option under the various icon which is usually located at the left side of your screen. Then, double click on it. Here, you will presented with a list of your friends. They are the friends in your list who have won ribbons and awards on FarmVille.

You should be able to find an option which says 'get a bonus from them' located underneath each award. If you're fortunate enough, you can get a total of 50 to 250 points from a neighbor who has just collected it recently.

These are a few of the Farmville tips and cheats that you can use to become the best farmer in FarmVille. Just follow them carefully and you will be on the right track.

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